Homilies, Monday, 4th Week, Year 2

Our first reading takes us into the memory lane of David’s life. His family history is long and complicated; at times it is distasteful and dismal, and other times brilliant and successful. David’s troubles go back to his crimes of adultery and murder in the case of Bathsheba and Uriah.

What seemed a smoothly managed affair at the time, later came back to haunt him. However, no matter how guilty David was, we can admire his humility and regret when confronted with facts and his enduring love even towards a son in revolt after his life. He is cursed by some of his subjects, who throw stones at him. But he refuses to punish his unjust accusers.

He attributes his own sought after situation to God’s providence: “Let him alone and let him curse, for the Lord has told him to”. Perhaps God will take pity on my affliction and give me favour in return for bearing the curses he is heaping on me.

David’s actions resonate with the psalm: “Many may rise up against me. But you O Lord are my shield; my glory, you lift up my head…Rise up, O Lord and save me my God (cf. Ps. 3:2 – 7).
His complete trust in the Lord is amazing. We ought to emulate him especially in times of our setbacks and challenges. In times of difficulties and challenges let us learn to trust in the Lord. His mercy and compassion surpasses all.

The Lord keeps no record of our wrong, but He is keen to save us all, regardless of our past and our history. He may strike us in our stubbornness, but in order to correct us. He may bring us down on our knees but in order to make us strong.