Today, 7th August 2019, a CCJP workshop was held at Sacred Heart Parish in Kitwe. It was Facilitated by the Director of Social Projects and Programmes- Rev. Fr. Francis Mukosa. In attendance were CCJP Deanery Chaplains and Coordinators.
The workshop had two presentations;
1. The first session focused on the “User Guide” that was published by the Holy See on ,18th July 2020, in order to provide the local churches with a guide on implementation of Laudato si and offer suggestions on possible action points.
This comes in light of the celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter ”Laudato si”,under the theme: “Journeying towards care for our common home: five years after Laudato Si”
2. The second session Focused on the creation of the “Commission for Justice, Peace and Integral Human Development” after the restructuring effected by Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB)
Below are a few Highlights.