
Good Friday- Stations of the Cross.

Good Friday- Stations of the Cross.

In a solemn procession, the Cathedral of Christ the King Community embarked on a journey of reflection and prayer, commemorating the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Led by the Vicar General, Fr. Lewis Mutachila, alongside Cathedral Community Priests Rev. Fr. Mbewe and Rev. Fr. Mariuz, the faithful traversed the streets from Shinde Street to the cathedral, pausing at each of the 14 stations. The Stations of the Cross offer a profound opportunity to meditate on the journey of Jesus Christ to his crucifixion, providing a poignant reminder of his immense sacrifice for humanity’s redemption. As the community solemnly progressed through each station, they embraced the significance of Christ’s suffering and found solace in his unwavering love and compassion. This symbolic journey serves as a powerful testament to the enduring significance of Good Friday, encouraging believers to deepen their understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and renew their commitment to living lives guided by faith and compassion.