
Butondo Parish – 12 apostles receive Holy Spirit.

Butondo Parish – 12 apostles receive Holy Spirit.

Ndola Diocese Procurator General Fr. Charles Tembo administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 12 candidate at St Annie Parish in Butondo on Sunday 19th August, 2018.

Procurator General, Fr.Charles Tembo walking  the entrance procession while the congregation is standing are standing.

The Congregation listening to the 1st and 2nd reading as they are sited.

Fr. Eugene proclaiming the Gospel and the congregation is listening while standing.

Butondo Parish Priest Fr. Eugene Coulibaly and the Congregation listening to the homily in a sitting posture.

Anointing the candidates with Chrism oil and laying of hands.

Consecration of the Eucharist

Receiving the Holy Eucharist the body and blood of Christ.