
Solemnity of Christ the King

Our Bishop, His Lordship Dr. Alick Banda, on Sunday 26th November, 2017 celebrated the Solemnity of Christ the King at his Parish, the Cathedral of Christ the King in Ndola. The Bishop was the main celebrate in three Masses. Concelebrating with him were Fr. Idol Nkandu the Cathedral Curate, Fr. Israel Mwaba Maliseni, Fr. Augustine Mwansa and Fr. Evans Sokota.

c Solemnity of Christ the King at Catedral in Ndola

On this Solemnity, the Parishioners also celebrated their Patron. In the third mass, the community was lead in singing by the Holy Childhood Choir. The Choir sung in very jovial and beautiful mood. The Bishop could not hold his joy and so he participated in singing and dancing during the thanksgiving song – Praise Christ the Ancient King.

Holy Childhood Choir - Cathedral

In his homily the Bishop encouraged his parishioners never to relent in doing works of charity, regardless the situation or condition. This is what he said,

“…, do charity to everyone, regardless. When all is said and done, no matter what we would have achieved in life, the quality of our lives will come down to the quality of our contribution – be it in our families, in our communities, or in our society.”

He called on the Christians to allow Christ to be the King of their hearts who will bring inner peace and joy.

“Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. We celebrate a king without a nation – but a king of hearts, who reigns in our conscience. Today, we celebrate the king of peace – a king that ushered peace by His self-gift of peace to humanity and He invites us to emulate Him. Brethren, if our hearts are not at peace because of resentment and anger, or even hatred and revenge; it is time to turn to God and ask for forgiveness and healing. Sin and evil can never bring us peace of heart (mind) – but a spiral of misery and self-injury.”

The Bishop also administered the sacrament of Confirmation on four (4) Parishioners. Encouraging them to defend the Catholic Faith and spread the gospel by being faithful imitators of Christ the King.

Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation

The Solemnity of Christs the King marked the end of Year A liturgical calendar. Next Sunday 3rd December we begin the Advent period and the start of Year B.

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