
Bishop Banda’s Homily, Wednesday, 4th Week, Year 2

Bishop Banda’s Homily, Wednesday, 4th Week, Year 2

Our Gospel passage today narrates Jesus’ experience in His hometown. When He came to His hometown, people could only see a carpenter’s son in Jesus. They identified Him only as a son of Mary, the brother of James and Simon and as a carpenter etc. They failed to see the divinity in Him as the Son of God. As a result, Christ was unable to work any miracle amongst His people.

Jealousy, envy, labels and name calling prevents healthy relationships amongst people. Envy and jealousy prevent us from experiencing each other as a gift of God and a true image of the invisible God. This obstruction as it were prevents us from experiencing God’s presence in the other and eventually we lose out on the others contributions for the well being of all.

There is a story called, The Danger of a Single Story, (Adichie, 2009). It shows how story telling can deprive of an individual’s dignity or self respect. This is done by showing other people only one thing over and over again – until that story becomes the character of a person.

The single story creates stereotypes, labels, brand names etc. These characteristics may be true but are usually incomplete and at times exaggerated. As a result they deprive of a person’s dignity; they make the recognition of equality between persons difficult; and they emphasize the differences rather than the similarities.

Stories have been used to damage and malign people’s integrity. However, stories can also be used to empower and humanize people. Stories can break the dignity of a person, but stories can also build the broken dignity. When we refuse the single story, and when we realize that there is never a single story about any person, any place, any issue etc. we shall regain freedom from prejudice, discrimination, biasness etc. which are purely works of envy and malice.

Prejudice, discrimination and biasness will only hinder the contributions of others. Envy and jealousy will only impoverish us from the contributions of others. Simply because others stay away from making the much needed contributions to the community of believers indeed the entire Church.

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