
Commissioning of the Building of the new Poor Clare Monastery

Commissioning of the Building of the new Poor Clare Monastery

On May 30th, 2024, a significant milestone was marked in Fisenge, Luanshya, with the commissioning of the building of the new Poor Clare Monastery. The event began with a solemn Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Ndola Diocese, Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri JCD, drawing together a community eager to witness this momentous occasion. The Mass, held in a spirit of gratitude and hope, highlighted the dedication of the Poor Clare Sisters, who have long been a pillar of spiritual strength and service Bishop Phiri’s homily during the Mass emphasized the importance of the monastery as a place of prayer, contemplation, and service to God. He expressed gratitude for the support shown by the community and highlighted the vital role the Poor Clare Sisters play in the spiritual life of the diocese. Following the Mass, the site of the future monastery was blessed and sprinkled with holy water by Bishop Phiri, symbolizing the sanctification of the ground. In a ceremonial gesture of faith and hope, the Bishop, alongside the Poor Clare Sisters, laid the foundation stone, marking the official commencement of the building project. The monastery, expected to be completed by August 26th, 2026, represents not only a physical structure but also a beacon of spiritual refuge and community support. The event underscored the collective effort and generosity of the faithful, with pledges amounting to K41,000 and K8,800 in cash raised towards the construction. Concluding the commissioning, a sumptuous luncheon was prepared for the invited guests, fostering a sense of fellowship and celebration. This gathering highlighted the unity and shared purpose of those committed to seeing the monastery come to fruition. The commissioning of the new monastery is not just a construction project; it is a testament to the enduring faith and commitment of the Poor Clare Sisters and the entire Catholic community. As the foundations are laid, so too is a foundation of hope, prayer, and spiritual renewal for generations to come.