
Perpetual Profession of Vows

Perpetual Profession of Vows

On April 27, 2024, a vibrant and joyous Mass was celebrated at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Chingola by the Vicar General of Ndola Diocese, Very Rev. Father Lewis Mutachila. This special occasion marked the perpetual profession of vows by two Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Sr. Ruth Mutembo and Sr. Natasha C. Mumba. In his inspiring homily, Father Mutachila encouraged the sisters to remain steadfast in their vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. He emphasized the importance of humility and maintaining focus on God, who has called and sent them. He also urged them to stay optimistic and positive, particularly when facing challenges. The Mass was attended by Chingola Dean, Rev. Fr. Martin Bwalya, Diocesan Project Secretary, Rev. Fr. Chrispin Mukena, Priests from across the diocese, along with family members and friends, also gathered to support the sisters, bringing gifts to celebrate their commitment. Following the Mass, a reception was held, featuring various performances from CBR children and Novitiates. The event was filled with music, dance, and an abundance of food, contributing to the joyous atmosphere. The celebration highlighted the community’s unity and support, and the profound commitment of Sr. Ruth Mutembo and Sr. Natasha C. Mumba to their spiritual journey.