Day of the Consecrated Men and Women- [ in pictures]
On 2nd February 2019, Ndola Diocese gathered to celebrate the Consecration day of Religious men and women on the Feast of the presentation of the lord. Sisters from different congregations as well as Priests gathered to celebrate their day with Mass at Sacred Heart Parish in Kitwe. The Mass which was celebrated by Pastoral Director Rev. Fr. Mathews Mumba standing in for His Grace Arch Bishop, Dr Alick Banda, began with a candlelight procession outside the Church. This was characterised by the blessing of Candles.
Mass was a colorful event, as reading where taken and the Gospel read by Deacon Shula
Pastoral Director Rev. Fr. Mumba gave a inspiring Homily on commitment to the word and work of God in tough times He talked about being a people that carry the presence of Christ every where we go. He also encouraged his fellow religious men and women to be like a candle that burns itself out to give others light. He also warned them not to be too engrossed in work, that they have no time to pray. He emphasized that nothing should take the place of Prayer.
Mass continued with Consecration.
Communion followed.
Before the Final Blessing Rev. Fr. Mumba, Pastoral Director Gave a vote of Thanks on Behalf of His Grace Arch Bishop Dr. Alick Banda.
mass ended joyously as the procession was made by Priests leaving the church.