
Pastoral visitation at St. Joseph Parish, Itawa

Pastoral visitation at St. Joseph Parish, Itawa

On the 27th of October 2019, His Grace Archbishop Ignatius Chama of the Archdiocese kasama, visited St. Joseph Parish in Itawa,on behalf of Archbishop Dr. Alick Banda- Apostolic Administrator of Ndola, who was unable to attend.

The visit began with Mass which was celebrated by Archbishop Chama, and co-celebrated by parish priest- Rev. Fr. Francis Mukosa and Assistant Parish priest- Rev. Fr. Maria-Joseph Phiri. During this mass ,His Grace Archbishop Chama conferred the sacrament of confirmation to 12 candidates.

The readings where taken: First Reading: Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18, Second Reading: Second Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18 and the Gospel: Luke 18: 9-14

The homily was given by His Grace Archbishop Ignatius Chama of the Archdiocese kasama.

Confirmations commenced.

Offertory, consecration and communion when followed.

Mass ended joyously with a final blessing from His Grace Archbishop Ignatius Chama