
Nkwazi Parish Receives a Christmas Gift.

Nkwazi Parish Receives a Christmas Gift.

Catholic Diocese of Ndola Bishop Dr. Alick Banda has committed himself to sink a borehole at St Elizabeth Parish in Nkwazi township of Ndola. The Bishop surprised Parishioners when he announced this during his pastoral visit on the third Sunday of Advent – “Gaudete Sunday”. Gaudete is Latin for “rejoice”.

The Parishioners, who were amazed, received this news as a Christmas gift with deep appreciation narrating how water supply has been erratic and a huge expense for the community. “We thank our caring Bishop for this gift, he has lifted a heavy burden from our shoulders. For many years we have been grappling with a shortage of clean water, more so money to settle the waters bills”, said one happy Woman. St Elizabeth community has been depending on piped water by Kafubu Waters and Sewerage Company.

On this Sunday Bishop Banda celebrated two Masses at the Parish, the first with an impressive number of the Holy childhood and the second with youths and adults. His Lordship acknowledged and appreciated the efforts of both the Holy Childhood and Youth Animators.

Bishop praised the Holy Childhood Animators of whole the Diocese saying, one has to be compassionate and self-giving in order to build these children into good Catholics and responsible citizens, be it at home or here at church. And to the Animators of our sophisticated youths we applaud your humility and commitment for such is not an easy task, considering the many challenges that the youths of today are encountering. Continue with your good work you are building the Catholics of tomorrow. Advised Bishop Banda.

In the second mass the Bishop administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 23 Parishioners.

I ask you, who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, to be Catholics who love doing good works helping people who are close to you to be converted to Christ.

Assistant Parish Priest Fr. Ephraim Mulenga Mapulanga thanked the Bishop on behalf of the community for the Pastoral Visit and for the gift of the borehole.


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